Cortaderia selloana (Schultes & Schultes f.) Aschers. & Graebn.

Locations ofCortaderia selloana (Schultes & Schultes f.) Aschers. & Graebn. in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Cortaderia selloana (Schultes & Schultes f.) Aschers. & Graebn.
Common Name
Pampas Grass
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
Not in Flora of Virginia
At present, this conspicuous, much cultivated, South American grass is an occasional adventive in the eastern part of the state. It is also recorded as a scattered escape in New Jersey, Indiana, Tennessee, and most of the south Atlantic and Gulf coastal states, but is most widely established in the Southwest and Pacific states.
Reported as an escape, sometimes well away from plantings, in Hanover and New Kent counties and the cities of Newport News and Virginia Beach. Usually on road banks and other open, ruderal habitats.
Native Status

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