Erigeron pusillus Nutt.

Locations ofErigeron pusillus Nutt. in Virginia

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Botanical Name
Erigeron pusillus Nutt.
Common Name
Southern Horseweed
Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq. var. pusilla (Nutt.) Cronq.; Erigeron canadensis L. var. pusillus (Nutt.) Boiv.
Flora of Virginia Name/Status
Erigeron pusillus Nutt.
See Comments under Erigeron canadensis L. This species is incompletely mapped, as it has not often been recognized in older Virginia floristic studies, being subsumed under a broad concept of Erigeron canadensis. More recently it has been overlooked and under-documented. It resembles small, slender forms of E. canadensis but can be distinguished by its glabrous stem and purple-tipped phyllaries. Its frequent co-occurrence with E. canadensis in weedy habitats may account for it being ignored or passed over by botanical collectors. Although often treated as a var., its morphological characters are very consistent and it appears to merit species rank.
Fields, roadsides, clearings, dunes, and other open, weedy habitats. The distribution and status of Erigeron pusillus are incompletely known; recent field and herbarium studies suggest that this taxon is widely overlooked and under-documented; it is probably frequent across the southern two-thirds of the Coastal Plain and Piedmont, less so in the southern mountains. However, additional work is needed to fully delineate its distribution in the state.
Native Status

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